Regional customs and habits

Customs of Kiribati

Marriage and Family

Some marriages are still arranged, but most people now choose their spouses. To make his intentions known, a young man sends a relative (usually an uncle) to tell the young woman’s family he wants to propose. This gives her family time to prepare before his parents actually come with their request. A long engagement is preferred by the bride’s family so they can weave sleeping mats for their new son-in-law and his family. The groom’s family gives rolls of cloth to the bride’s family in exchange for these mats.

Customs of Laos

Marriage and Family

Young people are relatively free to choose marriage partners. Marriage is traditionally established by a ceremony held at the bride’s home. For the first few years of married life, a couple may live with the wife’s family and then establish their own home. However, the youngest daughter and her family tend to remain with her parents to care for them.

Customs of Lesotho

Marriage and Family

Lesotho has a strong patriarchal society centered on the family. However, because men often work outside the country during much of the year, the women make many family decisions and do most of the farmwork. Women also work on the roads and in service occupations; more than 36 percent of the labor force is female.

Customs of Lebanon

Marriage and Family

Because financial independence is customarily a prerequisite for marriage, men often wait to marry until their late 20s or early 30s. Women usually marry in their early 20s. Christians in Lebanon are generally opposed to divorce, but divorce is allowed according to Islamic law. Lebanese law provides for each religion to have a separate court system to handle matters such as marriage, divorce, and inheritance, according to the varying customs.

Customs of Liechtenstein

Marriage and Family

People usually marry in their late 20s; it is considered important to first complete one’s education and enjoy some financial security and independence. Some couples live together before or instead of marriage. Legal marriages are performed at the national Registry Office. To have a church wedding is optional, but common, and usually takes place the day after the civil ceremony. Some old wedding customs include decorating the door frames of the couple’s home with garlands or organizing a mock kidnapping of the bride.