Vietnamese Zodiac

in Culture



You have vivacity, loyalty, the elegance of a thoroughbred, and the impatience of a child. You are worldly and at ease in high society and are an elegant conversationalist. Your intelligence and fluidity of thought easily convince people of the soundness of your ideas. But a "big talker" is often a "small doer" and this failing follows you around. What keeps you from taking action is a fear of failure because you never come out of your adventures intact. On the other hand, if the subject is familiar to you and you have some reassuring support, you jump headlong into the adventure. You love to move around: constant movement animates your being, but you most often get around obstacles rather than jump over them. This fear of failure paralyses you. Your dynamic spirit is never dampened. You can't stand idleness, and long-term plans don't attract you because you are quickly unmotivated. You paw the ground with impatience when there are traffic jams and will cut across a field to get out of one with gusto. Your fault : A lack of confidence in yourself.Image


You need to feel independent, free and above all, you don't like to have someone watching over you. Your elegance of expression and convincing words make you an excellent salesperson, especially if you have spent the day on the road. Sitting in an enclosed office doesn't fit with your desire to be on the move. The ideal profession for you is one where you can travel a lot. You love to innovate and make decisions quickly, but work that requires endurance is not for you. It is through the race and movement that you gain speed. Now, you just need to know when to stop at the right moment and at the right place...


You don't save for the future and are not consistent with money. If you have some, all the better; if you don't, you live without. Earning money is not a motor in your life. On the contrary, it often takes last place in your life. Your fickle lifestyle - notably concerning work which you change often, reinforces this financial insecurity. If you need money right away, you will gladly sell your furniture and personal things; You are an idealist rather than a materialist. You have confidence in you luck and never doubt that you will be able to get out of any situation. Your opportunistic side sometimes comes to your aid...


Eternally in love, and fiery like a stallion, you love the tumultuous emotions you feel when falling in love and discovering a partner; you throw yourself body and soul into a new adventure and are immediately passionate but without jealousy nor possessiveness. A wonderful companion, you shower the people you love with presents. But passion only lasts for a time and you get bored quickly... At the first sign of routine, you take off for greener pastures.

Compatible with

Goat, Tiger & Dog

Non-Compatible withRat

Western Counterpart: Gemini

Character: A free spirit, Horse people cherish their independence. Always on the move it is hard to slow them down. Given the power of persuasion, they can obtain whatever they desire. Horses need constant stimulation to appease their wild soul.

Famous Horses: Isaac Newton, Leonard Bernstein,  Ross Perot, Clint Eastwood, Frederic Chopin,  Neil Armstrong, Mike Tyson, Jimmy Hendrix, Cindy Crawford, Kathleen Turner, Aretha Franklin, Janet Jackson, Barbara Streisand, Joanne Woodward, Andy Williams, Sean Connery, Paul McCarthy, Raquel Welch, Kevin Costner, Louis Pasteur, Harrison Ford, Theodore Roosevelt, James Dean, Linda Evans, John Travolta,  Kristi Alley, Anwar Sadat, and Billy Graham.