Household Appliance Vocabulary

These are appliances we use every day in our house. Each word includes a definition and example sentence:

dishwasher - device that washes dishes

I don't know what I'd do without my dishwasher. I can't imagine having to wash all those dishes by hand!

fan - device for creating a current of air or a breeze

I really don't like using the air-conditioning. I much prefer this fan to keep things cool.

freezer - one that freezes, as a thermally insulated cabinet

He goes shopping and buys enough food to put into his freezer for a month.

furnace - structure or apparatus for generating heat

Could you check if the furnace is working? It seems so cold in here.

oven - chamber or enclosed compartment usually used to cook in, as in a stove

I like cooking potatoes in the oven instead of frying them.

refrigerator - appliance for maintaining foods at a low temperature, or producing ice

We keep the bread in the refrigerator.

stove - device used to provide heat (either electric or gas) to cook food

I really don't know how to cook. About the only thing I can do is boil an egg on the stove.

toaster - device used to toast bread, esp. by exposure to heat

Could you pop this bread into the toaster?

vacuum cleaner - appliance using suction to clean surfaces

I used the vacuum cleaner to clean all the rugs - they really needed it.

Now that you have studied these words, continue to the pronunciation and quiz page. On this page you will find a list of the vocabulary studied and a sound file (using RealPlayer) with the correct pronunciation of the words. Below this you will find a quiz using these words, use each word in the list once to complete the quiz.


By Kenneth Beare, Guide