
Bernard Ouedraog, Burkina Faso

To check how rich my students' vocabulary is, I have them play the snake-word game.

Each row or team sends a representative to the blackboard. He/she chooses a coloured piece of chalk and they stand in a line. I write a letter and the first student must write a word beginning with that letter; the following student writes a word beginning with the last letter of the previous word:

For example: D Data Amount Tomato On Narrow What........

They should write the words so that they make a snake…


Time is limited, depending on the level of the class. After the time devoted has passed, and you haven't written a word, you pass your turn. If you pass your turn 3 times, you are replaced by another pupil in your row/team. Only two replacements are allowed. After that, the row/team is eliminated.