Complain in writing vs. complain in person

Modern life consists of a number of different services, without which we cannot imagine ourselves. After paying for goods and services we expect a certain quality of them. Therefore, in case we do not get it the way we want, we will decide to complain. By and large, it is not a big difference in the ways of complaining, but I would prefer to do it in person.  

First of all, it is the fastest way of complaining. You do not need to write a letter, to send it, to receive an answer and so on. On contrast, you can do everything immediately. You can talk to a manager, explain and show what is wrong. Together you can find a fast way of deciding your problem. Secondly, this way of complaining is simpler. You do not need to deal with any official papers or offices. So you have less trouble and save a lot of time.  

But the negative thing of it is that some people can be really rude to you and you will not get any result from a talk, then anyway you will need to complain in writing. Besides, it is wiser to complain in writing in case you have a very serious problem. Then all things you do are documented and if you need it, you will be able to complain in a court.   

Our world is not perfect, so there always will be things to complain about. Each case is different, therefore it cannot exist any universal decision. To my mind you can try to talk at first and if you do not be satisfied with it, you can always complain in writing.