Is it right to ban smoking?

Nowadays, people are divided in two separate groups: one is a non-smoker and the other one is a smoker. For many years non-smokers have been struggling with smokers trying to prohibit any smoking in public areas. During the last decade, the number of smokers around the world decreased significantly due to ferocious campaign against smoking. I totally agree that it is one of the most effective rules against smoking. In the following paragraphs I will try to support my opinion with several examples.  

Since I am a 100% non-smoker, I am completely support any rules against smoking. The rule about no smoking in public areas and office buildings is very effective in various ways. First of all, it would be very inconvenient for thousands and thousands active smokers. They would think about quitting smoking or continue smoking, but only at their homes or outside public areas and office buildings. As a non-smoker, I adhere any smell of smoke. Smoking is very dangerous for passive smokers and even it it was allowed to smoke in public areas in separate areas for smokers, many non-smokers would be exposed to passive smoking, because the smoke from cigarettes would spread around anyway.  

I was very surprised about effectiveness of the recent law against smoking when I had my trip to New York City. It seems that the whole city is against smoking. It is against the law to smoke in any public areas of the city. For example bars, nightclubs, subways and many more public areas have no longer smokers. Even though it is still allowed to smoke outside, you can barely see smokers on the streets. It is amazing how actually can be effective this rule when smoking is prohibited by law.  

In my opinion, if many governments around the world took smoking under their control and issued laws to prohibit smoking in the most populous cities, it would be definitely decrease the number of active smokers. Smoking would be no more dangerous treat to the public health. It would decrease the number of lung diseases and the most dangerous one of them, lung cancer. In addition I totally support any rules against smoking not only in public areas and office buildings but also against smoking at all.