Why should a natural resource be saved?

Natural resources are very important to a country and unfortunately they are depleting as the years go by. One such resource which is also very important among other natural resources is the animals. Unfortunately, animals are also becoming extinct. A survey was conducted and it was seen that among the animals the population of the tigers, leopards etc. was depleting tremendously, apart from other animals. There are several reasons for the depletion. Among the various reasons the most common factor resulting in the depletion is the hunting by humans. Humans tend to kill animals for various reasons. For instance the hide of the animals is used for making various things like shoes, bags, etc. It is also used for decoration purposes. Though now a ban has been put by a lot of governments of various countries on the display of hide in their homes.  

Animals need to be saved because if a species of animal becomes extinct then it would disrupt the entire food chain, which in turn would lead to the extinction of all the animals. A simple example of a food chain is as follows. mice-cat-dog. If in this example if there are no mice then the cat would starve and die which in turn would lead to the starvation and death of the dog in the absence of the cat. Therefore, in my opinion Animals are as important natural resource as water and therefore every effort should be made towards their preservation.