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Would you rather choose your own roommate?
Regarding the question of choosing your own or having a roommate assigned, students have differing(different) opinions. Some claim that choosing their own roommate is better because they can share the room with their favorite friends, whereas having the university allocate their roommate would cause many problems such as continuous conflicts and arguments. However, those who think this way do no realize the beneficial merits of having a roommate they do not know well. In my opinion, it is better for students to be assigned roommates because of the following reasons.
First, by living together, the two people who have never met and have different personalities would not only have to communicate with one another but cope with problems that might come up. There may be many disputes when they live together. If either roommate insists that their point of view is correct one, they may then require their roommates to follow certain rules. Through discussing the problems with each other, however, they might not only discover that they were wrong but learn to listen to others. Furthermore, they would be learning how to respect the other`s opinion. Today`s students will become specialists working in a team. These communication skill will show at that time.
Another obvious advantage can be seen from a particular example. There is a student who is inactive and sometimes tend to be ignored because he/she is not popular. For her/him selecting a roommate is a really difficult task and a stressful burden. In addition her/his options would be unavoidably limited. I think at least universities should be committed to giving students equal opportunities and be ready to jump in to help students who cannot find their own roommates.
Thirdly, it is impossible to predict how two strangers are going to get along and this sometimes turns to be a special and unique surprise. Choosing people I already know as my roommate would be really boring, although it would be comfortable. To me, meeting new people is interesting. New people always expose me to new surroundings, besides, it helps me gather new information. When I entered the
In conclusion, it seems to me that having the university allocate students to their roommates is quite an excellent idea for the following reasons. First, It would give the students a chance to adjust to unfamiliar situation and to develop their social skills. Secondly, it would be really helpful to a student who has a hard time finding someone. Last, expecting a new roommate will be a peculiar experience and surprise. For that reasons, I advocate the idea that accepting the university determined roommates is better for students.