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Does dancing play an important role in a culture?
Dancing is an integrant part of the culture. In my point of view, dancing is as important as, if not more important than all art forms. So it is sagacious to assert that dancing change the face of our world by improving the communication among people, keeping the culture alive, and bringing fun in our lives.
First of all, dancing is a way for people to communicate. In the past, before people discovered the language, they used gestures and body language to communicate with each other. In time, this transformed in a form of art, which is called dance. In my culture, there are specific kinds of dancing that represent happiness, sadness, marriage, grievances, and death.
Secondly, by dancing the tradition was transmitted from generation to generation. Because it was the easiest way to pass the knowledge of a culture, the old taught the young to dance, and to keep the spirit of their culture alive. For example, my grandmother told me that when she was young, she had to go for dance every Sunday afternoon. The entire village`s young had to be there to can continue the tradition to their ancestors.
Thirdly, dancing is an integrant part of the process of socialization. Teenagers, and not only them, meet and go to dance. There can make new friends, learn about different customs of various countries, and so on. Foe example, when I was student at University I was to Disco and there I could listen several times Flamenco music. I was so impressed about it, that I ask a Spanish guy that studied in our university to tell me more about their culture. In this way I made a new friend, and I improved my knowledge.
To sum up, because the important role that dancing play in communication among people, benefit to passing the culture through dancing, and conspicuous role in the process of socialization, dancing have made this world richer and more beautiful.