Preposition: Past

1. Past means beyond.  

Pattern: be + past + noun referring to age
The gas station is on your left, just past the shopping center.

2. Past indicates movement in front of and beyond a place.

 Pattern: verb + past + noun
We drove past your house on our way to the party.
They often walk past the park.

3. Past means older than.             

Pattern: be + past + noun referring to age
His daughter is past her teens now.
I'm sure he is past fifty.

4. Past means no longer able to do something.                   

Pattern: be + past + verb in gerund form
She is bitter now, and past caring.
The men were exhausted and past working.

5. Past (adverb) means later than.                       

Pattern: be + past + noun referring to time
It is ten past three in the afternoon.
They left at half past seven.