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What's the pronunciation?
Diane B, Costa Rica
This is a pronunciation game I made up called 'What's the pronunciation?'
I collect a list of about 10 words students have mispronounced.
- I divide students into teams of 2-4 people
- I spell out the first word, e.g., C -U-L-T-U-R-E
- I ask the teams to confer on the correct pronunciation and to pick a spokesperson
- Then I ask each team's spokesperson what the correct pronunciation is
- I mark on a piece of paper if it's right or not. After each team has given its guess, I allot points on the board to the teams that pronounced the word well
- I continue with the next word.
It's a good idea to rotate the starting team with each round because otherwise, students will start changing their guesses to match the pronunciation of winning team. I usually do just ten words and then award candy to the team with the most points. Students really start to be careful about their pronunciation when points are involved!