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Banking and Stocks Glossary
The use of this lexical approach is essential for successful language acquisition in English for Specific Purposes. However, teachers are often not equipped with the exact English terminology required in very specific trade sectors. For this reason, core vocabulary sheets go a long way in helping teachers provide adequate materials for students with English for Specific Purposes needs.
These core vocabulary reference sheets provide between 150 and 240 key words and phrases for each industry. Each series is divided into three pages that, when combined, form an alphabetical list. In taking this lexical approach to attaining key vocabulary, students should be encouraged to translate the specific words and phrases into their native tongues as each phrase has a very specific translation in each language.
Sheet 1
to accept a bill
account overdraft
actual yield
after-hours trading
at 30 days after sight
at 60 days after date
at a discount
at a premium - above par
at best
at closing
at par
at sight - on demand
backdate - to antedate
to bank - to deposit
bank account
bank balance
bank branch
bank clearance
bank counter
bank credit
bank deposit
bank guarantee
bank lending rates
bank loan
bank merger
bank rate rise
bank sector
bank suretyship - bank guarantee
bank transfer
bank transfer order
banker's draft - bank draft
banking secrecy
exchange-rate fluctuations
exchange controls
exchange rate
exercise an option
to expire
expiry date - due date
financial market
fixed exchange rate
fixed term sale
float due to collection
floating-rate loan
foreign bank
foreign currency
foreign exchange market
forward market - futures market
future transaction - forward transaction
futures - forward contracts
to grant a loan
to gross yield
to honour a bill
hostile takeover
in the red
interest accrual
interest rate
irrevocable letter of credit
issue price
issuing bank
issuing house
junk bond
legal interest
letter of credit
to loan