
  • What is the name of your college or university?
  • How many students go to your college?
  • Is your college coed?
  • How many subject are you taking this semester?
  • Who is your favorite teacher?
  1. How did you decide which college to attend?
  2. What are three big differences between your college life so far and your high school days?
  3. In the West, one of the most valued parts of college life is independence. Are you more independent from your parents now than you were in high school?
  4. Talk about relations between upperclassmen and freshmen. What kinds of things do freshmen have to do for initiation?
  5. What other things do upperclassmen do to freshmen? Were you a victim of "hazing" by upperclassmen?
  6. What is your major? Why did you choose your major? Do you have any regrets?
  7. What is the most difficult class you have taken so far?
  8. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? What was the situation?
  9. Have you participated in a University Festival? Talk about your experience. Do you think this style of festival is held in Western countries? Why or why not?
  10. Are you a member of any student groups? Which ones? What do you do? Are you satisfied with what's happening with your group(s)?
  11. Are there some professors that you can learn from more easily than others? What are the qualities that make you want to study for a certain professor?
  12. What are the top three changes you would like to see happen at your university?
  13. What do you think of student government? Are you now or have you ever been part of it? Do you think it's worthwhile? Does participation in student government bring any benefits to the participants? What?
  14. What are the top three things you hope to get out of (get as a result of) your university days?
