GRE - Sentence Completion - Test 14

Choose the word or set of words that best fits the meaning of the sentence as a whole.

1. A groundbreaking exhibition is showcasing Iraq 's rich roots in Mesopotamia , the region between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers that gave __________to the world's first urban civilization some 5,000 years ago.

A. support
B. water
C. floods
D. birth
E. itself

2. In each __________, scanners detected increased blood __________ in relevant parts of the brains of hypnotized subjects who were put through color and pain tests.

A. case - flow
B. instance - stain
C. place - powder
D. position - current
E. testament - stream

3. A voluntary school drug-testing __________ proposed by the mayor and school superintendent __________ make this crime-plagued city the first to experiment with this approach.

A. test - should
B. program - would
C. study - can
D. class - will
E. investigation - ought to

4. A solid __________ of Americans say they want Congress to legalize the importation of lower-priced medicines from Canada and Europe , and would be willing to pay higher taxes to provide prescription drug benefits to __________ citizens.

A. minority - decrepit
B. faction - old
C. majority - senior
D. lobby - elderly
E. fifty percent - superfluous

5. Its ___________ includes such treasures as woven funerary shoes from a royal tomb in ancient Thebes and a rare pair of Inuit boots ___________ of eider skin.

A. compilation - done
B. collection - made
C. set - prepared
D. pile - shaped
E. stock - fashioned

6. With tools such as lasers, climate-controlled research chambers and, of course, computers, Hatfield and his ___________ are bringing soil science into the next ___________.

A. employees - term
B. cohorts - dimension
C. colleagues - century
D. minders - exponent
E. facilities - component

7. Marks, ___________ forecaster, estimates that, compared to the administration's dividend tax cuts, extending unemployment benefits would produce a 20 times ___________ positive effect on the gross domestic product.

A. a reliable - greatest
B. an economic - greater
C. an intuitive - great
D. a moneyed - worse
E. a furtive - worst


A. Talks - chronicles
B. Stories - verbiage
C. Legends - writings
D. Quips - meanderings
E. Tales - traditions

9. As younger workers watch parents and others in ___________ generations go back to work after retiring because their savings were not ___________, they still aren't doing enough to provide for their own financial futures.

A. senior - ample
B. younger - sufficient
C. old - generous
D. older - adequate
E. advanced - prolific

10. Many of the draft document's points ___________ ideas espoused for years by anti-globalization ___________.

A. capitulated - sympathizers
B. echoed - activists
C. estranged - protagonist
D. reiterated - mentors
E. venerated - militants